Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Beautiful Struggle

If Your in the Boston/Waltham Area come on out tonight for the opening reception of the “Beautiful Struggle” art gallery show. Occupy Comix will be featured in this show being put on by the S.O.S. (Save Our Souls) crew and the Lincoln Arts Project. The gallery will be up for a month and every Friday night they will have performances and other activities.

Occupy Comix is honored to have been asked to be apart of this show by S.O.S. is a creative collective based in Boston, MA that everyone should check out. To learn more about them just go Here.

We are looking forward to working with them more in the future. Hope to see you tonight!


Bank vs. America Action in Charlotte, NC Bank of America’s shareholders meeting. Ms. 99% represented by OC’s own Lenina Nadal


Deadline: June 29th, 2012

“Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country.”

That is the Wikipedia definition of money. Money has also been described as the root of all evil. Another wise man said “Mo Money, Mo Problems”. Certainly for the 99% money has always seem like a problem we would like to have more of. Within our capitalist system money provides access to resources, tools and privileges. The more you have the higher up in society you can go. Money equals success…or maybe not?

This Global Financial Crisis that we find ourselves in can be said to have its roots in such thinking. Maybe we should take this time to rethink our relationship to money and maybe even money itself. Can we develop new ways of creating value? Can we create an alternative system of Trade? These and more are the questions we want you out there to answer with art and stories.

The 3rd issue of Occupy Comix theme will be Money. This summer the Occupy Comix crew will be traveling all over the country supporting actions that will shed light on and fight back against the corrupt Wall Street banks that are sucking the life from us. The Bank vs. America action by UNITY and Right to the City in Charlotte, NC a few months ago is a perfect example:

Help us build a story for the movement that shows how the 99% can and will win!

Be creative –From superheroes to super moms tell us your story about home.
We are looking for your comics and also small poster art- only 1 page, or 1-4 pg. of a comic story. 1-page poems, stories and illustrations/photos to accompany them are welcome but cannot be longer than 1 page.
Submissions Guidelines
• Submissions Deadline- June 29, 2012
• Artwork must be 8.5×11 or smaller
• If your work bleeds to that size, then please include a .125 bleed margin all the way around
• Limit your work to no more than 4 pages
• Artwork must be in both Color and black & white or greyscale. If it is not, it will be converted to greyscale. (Color will most likely be used in the digital file, print will be black and white)
• When submitting work, please scan your work at 300 dpi at full size (8.5×11) and save it as a png, jpg, tiff or pdf
• Please include a short 30-word biography and associated social media information (website, Facebook, twitter) with your work
• Provide best contact information (email) so that if there are any issues, we can get a hold of you
• Please note that artwork not submitted according to this format may be designed to fit and if this is the case, we will contact you first.
Occupy Comix is a free comic book chronicling the stories and issues of the 99%. It can be used as an educational tool as well for outreach for actions. The print copies will be given out for free at Occupy Wall Street events in New York and finances willing, at Occupy events across the nation. Peace.
Follow our Blog:
Follow our Facebook Fan Page: Occupy Comix
Follow our Twitter: @OccupyComix
Email us at:

Meet Hoodie…The Organizer

Illustrated by Alma Sheppard Matsuo
Concept Design by Terry Marshall

Be on the look out for Hoodie is future issues of Occupy Comix and in the real world. In the mean time help out with real Hoodie Missions of Justice here: and


           (Original Artwork by V for Vendetta Co-creator David Lloyd)

Go to the download section of this site to see how you can get a copy. Here is the editoral of Occupy Comix Vol. 2:

“For this issue of Occupy Comix, we asked artists to play with the concept of “Home, Sweet, Home.” This couldn’t be more fitting. The current capitalist meltdown began with the housing crisis. A major feature of neoliberal capitalism is the dislocation and displacement of poor people all around the world. Eviction has become a shared fear among those with houses, apartments, small businesses those who live in an occupation, and the homeless—who probably understand the mobile nature of home better than anyone. In fact, one of our contributing artists is in the process of losing her home in Florida as she created her comic for this issue. This impermanence of home for the working and the poor is defining us more and more. Immigrants migrating across borders in search of work are policed and barred while new laws
are created to allow capital to migrate across borders without any consideration of its impact on local economies. In these pages you will find artists interpretations of this new reality. Hopefully these stories will inspire some of you to get involve with the OWS offshoot Occupy Our Homes. For us to be radical, we must be rooted—and to be rooted means to have a home.
We’ve grown since issue #1 by reputation and following which is seen in our contributors to this issue. We are honored by everyone that has submitted their work, but just would like to highlight Ricardo Cotes (illustrator of Go the F*ck to Sleep) Clifford Meth (writing industry veteran), Michael Netzer (comic legend), and the co-creator of V for Vendetta, the legendary David Lloyd. We are happy to know that Occupy Comix is resonating with folks and that we are increasingly being seen as a platform for artistic work that supports the Occupy Movement.”

Facebook it, Tweet it, Reddit, download it. In the next few days we are going to show how we plan to distribute hard copies of Vol 2 and how YOu can get more involved. Stay tuned.

Occupy Stories: Juan from Queens

We are ready to go! Our New release date is December 6th. All submissions are in and ready for print. Only one problem…WE NEED MONEY FOR THE PRINTER. Please help us raise $3000 for printing & shipping by donating here:

Check posts for Russell Christian’s ( artwork stories of the 99%

Juan from Queens